Master Class exceptionnelle avec Catherine Turocy

Master Class exceptionnelle avec Catherine Turocy


mardi 18 février 2020    
19h00 - 22h00

20, rue Geoffroy l'Asnier, Paris, 75004

Event Type

A l’invitation de la Cie Fantaisies Baroques, Catherine Turocy nous fait le plaisir de venir donner une Master Class exceptionnelle, avec sa vision de la danse baroque, à l’aune de son expérience scénique en tant qu’interprète, chorégraphe, metteur en scène et chercheuse en danse.

Horaire :


Lieu : 


Studio Noces 20, rue Geoffroy l’Asnier 75004 Paris

Renseignements complémentaires :

Cie Fantaisies Baroques

Workshop with Catherine Turocy, “The Secret Life of the Three Spheres in Baroque Dance”

Based on her experience as a performer in Baroque dance which began in her college days in 1972, Turocy has much to share about a choice of approaches and playful exercises she uses with her company to give life and a period look in harmony with the Baroque aesthetic.  The New York Baroque Dance Company, which she co-founded with Ann Jacoby in 1976, has been her laboratory to study teaching methods and theory and to test these ideas in performance. Turocy has not published these ideas because she is reluctant to publish a “method,” which may lead to killing the very life she wishes to celebrate on stage. Also, she and her work continue to evolve.

Sphere I

The class will begin with a warm-up for the pre-expressive state of a “Baroque body” with exercises based on Leonardo Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man in relation to microcosm/macrocosm which is at the basis of classical technique well into the 19th century. Typical period dance phrases as well as body awareness exercises will be employed.

Sphere II

Fighting principles in fencing will be used as a springboard for exploring Baroque ballet technique and use of space. 

Sphere III

The workshop will conclude with an exploration of the dramatic sphere of the Reverend Gilbert Austin as seen in his book written at the end of his life, Chironomia, (1806). The art of declamation rooted in body posture translates well to dance performance. Turocy will teach her interpretation of the first 16 measures of notation from the Passacaille d’Armide by Pecour as an example of employing these three spheres.

This is a multi-level workshop, all are welcome.